About Me 


My name is Calista Toner. I am in my Fourth Year studying Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Glasgow.  I am serving my second term as Chair for the Glasgow University Conservative & Unionist Association. I also serve as the Scotland Regional Chair for Conservative Young Women, and am a 23/24 Pinsker Centre Policy Fellow. Outside of politics, I own a small candle manufacturing business.  

In my personal life I am a devoted daughter and big sister.  The small child in the picture above this message is my little brother, Horatio. He is the sweetest little brother! 

My participation in YC life comes down to my upbringing in a very left wing area. It was an isolating experience growing up, and contributed towards my dedication to providing a voice for young conservatives. I am a firm believer in the ideals of freedom, democracy, fairness and opportunity that Conservatism represents. 

-Calista Toner